UWSP at Marshfield representatives, including UW Marshfield Foundation Chair Dr. Matt Jansen, Campus Executive Tony Andrews, UWSP at Marshfield students Caleb Rucker and Prince Nde, UWSP Chancellor Thomas Gibson and former Executive Director of the Foundation Roxie Wetterau, accepted the gift from the Eiche estate. (Contributed)

UWSP at Marshfield receives $2.7 million gift for student scholarships

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point at Marshfield campus has received its largest gift to date with a donation of $2.7 million from the estate of a local dentist and his wife.

The gift established the William and Sandra Eiche Scholarship Fund, which will offer scholarships to both traditional and non-traditional students pursuing associates, bachelor’s and master’s degrees through UWSP at Marshfield.

In addition to the $50,000 in scholarships currently awarded each year to UWSP at Marshfield students, the Eiche gift will add an additional $100,000 in scholarships in perpetuity beginning with the 2024-25 academic year.

“This substantial gift is more meaningful as it comes from a lifelong member of the Marshfield community,” said UW-Stevens Point Chancellor Thomas Gibson. “These scholarships will go a long way to make a quality education more affordable and accessible for students of all ages.”

“I am beyond grateful to the Eiche family for this incredible gift,” said UWSP at Marshfield Campus Executive Anthony Andrews. “This is the largest single donation ever made to the Marshfield campus, and I will make sure that we use this gift to support student success and the growth of our enrollment.

Former UWSP at Marshfield Dean Andy Keogh set the groundwork for the gift years ago, Andrews said. “Keogh urged members of the Marshfield professional community to lend support to our campus. If not for his initial work, this gift would not have been possible.”

According to Keogh, Dr. Eiche saw the value in having an institution of higher education right in Marshfield. “He was an individual who truly wanted to help others and he thought he could do this with his estate,” said Keogh. “He believed that the way in which he could best help a large number of students was with a single monetary gift.”

William Eiche was a lifelong resident of Marshfield, graduating from Marshfield Senior High School before attending the Marquette University School of Dentistry in 1953. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, earning the Bronze Star. He worked at his family’s dentistry practice then owned and operated his own office for many years. He was also active in many Marshfield organizations, including the Elks Club and Kiwanis Club. He died in July 2014.

His wife, Sandra (Bump) Eiche, was also a Marshfield native, graduating from Marshfield Senior High in 1955. She helped operate the Eiche dental office and was active at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church and the Marshfield Elks Lodge. She died in April 2023.