Sending us a press release? Check here first.

***Writing an open letter/letter to the editor? Those guidelines are here.***

The Metro Wire has a diverse readership and works to ensure fair and equal coverage insofar as we are able.

While our publication specializes in hard news about local government, crime, business, and investigative reporting, we rely on news tips and submissions from the community to supplement our coverage. Because of this, we encourage all groups and organizations to send us press releases or media alerts for news and events that occur inside Portage County. You do not need to send us a formal press release for any news tip.

Our guidelines:

  • Do not send us a Facebook link. Facebook is our primary competitor, so once it’s out on social media, there’s not much we can do to attract readers.
  • Submit your information at least one week prior to an event, if applicable.
  • Include the five W’s: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and, if applicable, How.
  • Do not send PDFs or Word docs. The worst thing you can do is send us a PDF. They’re not easy to preview, it’s a hassle to download them, and you can’t use any images straight from PDFs. Our team prefers emails with the full press release in the body of the email, and with links to the full press release in your newsroom. Paste your content in the body of an email.

    Obtaining an AP Stylebook will help the quality of your press release. It can be purchased at and other online stores.
  • Limit the body to about 300 words. Use an inverted pyramid; include the most important
    details upfront. Have a clear news angle. Don’t bury your lede.
  • Skip hyperbole. Avoid exclamation marks. Stick to information, not a sales pitch. If you can’t, that means you need to buy an ad.
  • Send uncropped, horizontal, hi-resolution photos as .jpg, .jpeg, or png attachments — but not in the body of a document. Embedded photos reduce resolution and will not be used. Photos should belong to you or your company. Include a cutline (caption): photos without a cutline may not be published. ***Please note this does not apply to obituary photos.***
  • If you use a title like “Director of Awesomeness” and “Executive Director of Fun,” your press release will go directly into the trash.
  • Do not send us fliers or posters unless you’re buying an ad.
  • We do not publish digital art/logos with a story. That’s advertising. Buy an ad.
  • Include the contact information of someone who can answer quick follow-up questions.

Send your news tips and submissions to [email protected].