
Junior Audubon plans E-learning event for kids

Metro Wire Staff

Junior Audubon is holding a special virtual “learn to draw” event on Sept. 30.

The virtual drawing session, sponsored by the Aldo Leopold Audubon Society, is being held in celebration of this fall’s “Birds in Art” exhibition at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau.

The session will begin with a reading and virtual discussion on who John James Audubon was, followed by a lesson on drawing birds. Participants should have a pencil or crayons and drawing paper ready.

The meeting will be held via Zoom video conference on Wednesday, Sept. 30 at 11 a.m. Free, online registration is available at www.aldoleopoldaudubon.org/Programs or https://bit.ly/2Elkq4e.

The event is planned to coincide with the e-learning day, which is held each Wednesday in the Stevens Point Area School District during COVID-19. The lesson is most appropriate for elementary students in grades 2 and up, but all are welcome.

Students are encouraged to read more in the book Into the Woods: John James Audubon Lives His Dream by Robert Burleigh and illustrated by Wendell Minor (2003).