Possible Quorum at Transit Planning Workshop

A quorum of the Stevens Point Bicycle & Pedestrian Street Safety, Transportation, & Age-Friendly Commissions may attend the Transit Planning Workshop on Monday, November 27, 2-3:30 pm at the intersection of Main & Water Streets. No City business will be discussed.

The workshop will cover, in part, the new benches that were installed last week as part of the City being awarded a Community Challenge Grant through AARP, including:

  • What factors come into play in determining where bus stops are located?
  • What factors come into play to determine what infrastructure, if any, is located at bus stops?
  • Measurable actions to improve the comfortability and accessibility of transit stops.
  • The role that each of the commissions above has in promoting transit planning.
  • The role that AARP had with the Community Challenge Grant, along with ongoing efforts to address the livability of our community.