Dewey Town Board Meeting Agenda, Dec. 13, 2023
Town of Dewey
Town Board Meeting
Dewey Town Hall
Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
1) Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance
2) Verify Open Meeting Notice, roll call
3) Minutes from the meetings of November 15, 2023 and November 29, 2023
4) Citizens wishing to address the Town Board
5) Supervisor Comments/Concerns
Public Notice: Members of the Public who wish to address the Board on specific items must register
their request at this time. Such comments are subject to the reasonable control of the Board
Chairperson as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order
6) Discussion/Action on Operator licenses
7) Discussion/Action on appointment of Election Inspectors
8) Discussion/Action on appointment of Plan Commission members
9) Discussion/Action on participating in the WI-CAMS Program
10) Clerk/Treasurer Reports for November
11) Chairperson Report on town work and activities
12) Correspondence
13) Discussion/Action on a motion to enter into Closed Session per Wis. Stats. 1985(1)(c) to consider
employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of the town road and
maintenance employees
14) Discussion/Action on items discussed in Closed Session
15) Set meeting dates/agendas
16) Approve/pay bills
17) Adjournment