
Letter: Reader has concerns with COVID vaccine ingredients

Editor’s Note: The following letter contains a strong opinion with information that has not been vetted by the Point/Plover Metro Wire.

To the Editor-

Which arm would you prefer this administered? That’s the norm right when getting a vaccination.

Does your doctor know anything about the vaccination itself, like the ingredients from which it’s made? Or anything about the manufacturer making the product? Here’s a good one. Does your doctor ever tell you about the side effects of the vaccine? Do they ever show you the vaccination information statement that lists all the side effects? Why not, isn’t that important. By federal law, all vaccination providers must give patients, or their parents or legal representatives, the appropriate VIS prior to administering a vaccine. Did you get a VIS statement? It’s called informed consent.

I just happen to have a vaccination information statement for the M-M-R II manufactured by MERCK & CO., INC. Let’s take a look at the list of adverse reactions. Here are some: vasculitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, anaphylaxis, arthritis, and encephalitis. Most people I know who have diabetes, have it forever. In their link, it’s listed as a side effect.

The one that makes no sense to me and is suggested to be administered at birth is the Hepatitis B vaccine. Two ways to contract it are transferred by blood from your parents and 1 other way that’s impossible to be doing when you’re a brand-new baby. Make’s absolutely no sense what’s so ever to give an infant this vaccine. I have an insert or VIS for RECOMBIVAX HB by the MERCK & CO., INC. Let’s take a look at the side effects. Here are some: vertigo, insomnia, hypotension, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, arthritis, Lupus-like Syndrome, and irritability.

Is Thimersol still being used in vaccines? Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound (an organomercurial). Since the 1930s, it has been widely used as a preservative in a number of biological and drug products, including many vaccines, to help prevent potentially life-threatening contamination with harmful microbes. Last time I checked Mercury is a Neurotoxin.

Where’s the fountain of youth vaccine?

I actually asked a nurse in the area where it is, and she replied “someone is probably working on it”. That was seven years ago, I’m still waiting.

Who’s getting paid by all of this? I would imagine when there’s no wars to fight the Military Industrial Complex suffers financially due to vehicles, bullets and weapons aren’t being manufactured and revenue is lost in this sector. From what I understand all these branches are involved and getting paid by/from approving vaccines: HHS, NIH, FDA, CDC, HRSA. It’s big business and I’m sure there’s more people financially prospering from this machine.

Dr. Fauci recently stated that 70 to 75 percent of all Americans should be vaccinated. Wow, that’s a lot of people. Some of these people in the news should be audited before and after to see how much they’re worth after the vaccine is administered. There’s roughly 330 million in the US. At a buck a piece that’s $330 million dollars. You play with the numbers. Merck made 6 billion dollars off Gardasil from 2006-2011. Are you invested in Pfizer and Maderna?

Didn’t hydroxychloroquine work for SARS I. Why aren’t we hearing about that from the mainstream media?

Is the mask the gateway to the vaccine? Fearmongering I suspect. How much money are people getting under the table through lobbyists to push the vaccine?

How did the FDA get emergency approval for the Covid-19 vaccine? They claimed there was no other therapeutic to quell the virus. What about hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Vitamin D, REGN-COV2, Remdesivir. If you have been watching the right news, these are what president Trump received at Walter Reed. Same with mayor Rudy Giuliani. Both recovered just fine.

I think we all need to follow the money, ask more questions, and do our own research! Here’s a good book to read: VACCINE EPIDEMIC by Mary Holland/Louise Habakus.

Hey, have they cured cancer yet or AIDS? Or is your skin just for sale?

Brian Biga
Stevens Point