
Letter: Raabe is right for the school board

To the Editor-

I have had the honor of working with Dennis Raabe over the past four years on the Portage County Board
of Supervisors.

His honest and objective style of decision-making has always given me the sense that Dennis is a man of integrity, respectfulness, and transparency—a quality all community leaders should aspire to. Dennis is a critical thinker, willing to dive deep into the details to sort out the most cooperative outcomes. He is always seeking to find common ground and compromise amongst parties with different ideas and goals.

This is precisely the leadership I would expect coming from a public servant with over 40 years of experience in the field of public education. As an educator, building administrator, and district leader, Dennis Raabe has contributed to the public good and facilitated an atmosphere of respect with students and teachers alike.

He genuinely listens to the people in order to facilitate an environment that is inclusive, courteous, and most of all full of kindness.

Dennis has dedicated his entire life as a public servant for the benefit of our community. We owe him a debt of gratitude for how he has made our community an intelligent, safe, and kinder place to live, work, and play.

I am honored and humbled to endorse a mentor of mine. Dennis is truly “good people.”

Please vote Dennis Raabe for School Board on April 5.

Vincent Miresse
Stevens Point

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