
Letter: Candidate seeks support in District 10

To the Editor-

I will serve the constituents of the 10th District in several ways:

  • I am always willing to listen to others. 
  • I am fiscally responsible.
  • I always utilize common sense when making decisions.

I was born and raised in Stevens Point. My wife and I raised two children in this town. I also served four years in the United States Air Force.

I believe that:

  1. Business 51 should remain four lanes.
  2. The people living on McDill Pond should not have to pay $880.00 extra for 15 years on their property taxes to maintain the pond.  That should be a Portage County function.
  3. We need to reevaluate the bike lanes.  Bikes can still use the sidewalks as done in the past.
  4. Main Street parking needs to be reconfigured.

I would appreciate your vote on April 5, 2022.

Robert Larson
Stevens Point