
Letter: Bushman has what it takes to serve on school board

To the Editor –

We are writing to you as community members who have had the honor of being closely involved with Jennifer Bushman for over five years. During this time, we have witnessed her character as a community member, a member of the Junior Women’s Club, a parent, and a friend.

An admirable trait about Jennifer is that despite filling so many roles, she does each effortlessly and with a passion. If Jennifer decides to do something, it is guaranteed that she follows through with commitment and the passion to succeed. We have personally witnessed Jennifer’s drive to give everything 110 percent. Jennifer is kind, creative, resilient, and passionate. Her actions have proven that she values hard work, honesty, and following through on promises.

We have had the joy of witnessing Jennifer’s admirable traits become instilled in their children. The Bushman family is consistently involved in activities such as sports, school events, church events, and volunteering. The family’s love and support for the community have not gone unnoticed.

With Jennifer’s tenacious personality and community involvement, it is evident that she is a qualified candidate to serve as a member of the Stevens Point School Board. Her panel has children currently enrolled in the district. This allows them to have a deeper understanding of the school system’s current issues and to witness the impact that changes will have on their children and teachers.

From what has happened over the last two years, it is especially evident that the school board requires members who are resilient, uphold their values, and keep their promises even in the face of adversity.

Jennifer Buschman is a stellar example of someone who is perseverant and who maintains her beliefs despite having countless obstacles thrown her way. Jennifer is eager to make strides in the district that benefits students, teachers, and the community.

It is difficult to constrain the admirable qualities of someone like Jennifer Bushman in a short letter, as her actions over the last several years have done far more to prove her character. We are honored to support Jennifer in her candidacy for the Stevens Point School Board.

We strongly urge you to vote for her in the upcoming election. By voting for Jennifer, you are voting for honesty, change, and resilience.

Rick and Kelly Palmgren
Stevens Point

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