(Courtesy City of Stevens Point)

City asks residents to water trees

Metro Wire Staff

The city’s forestry department is asking residents to water city street trees in front of their homes when watering other trees on their property.

Watering trees, especially recently-planted trees, is important during hot and dry weather, according to a news release from City Forester Todd Ernster.

Ernster recommends soaking the soil beneath the tree out to the outermost ends of the branches for an hour or so every week. For smaller younger trees, residents may not have to water as long, but during hot days, they may have to water more often.

A two-inch diameter street tree would need about 20 gallons of water every 5-7 days, Ernster said, costing less than five cents per watering.

“Applying mulch is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your tree,” Ernster said. “Mulches are materials placed over the soil surface to help conserve moisture, improve soil conditions, and even protect the tree.”

Mulch should be layers three or four inches deep surrounding the tree trunk, but not touching it, he added.

Ernster can be reached in the city forestry office at 715.346.1532.