(Courtesy WisDOT)

WisDOT announces weight limits for North Central Region state highways

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) North Central Region today announced the seasonal posting of weight limits on area state highways. The weight restrictions are six tons for a single axle and 10 tons any two axles less than eight feet apart. The maximum gross weight is 24 tons.

Class II Road Restrictions begin statewide Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024 at 12:01 a.m. Posted Road restrictions begin Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, at 12:01 a.m. (except WIS 54 and WIS 173 in Wood County). Affected roads in the North Central Region include: 

  1. WIS 52, Langlade County, from WIS 55 to North Langlade County line.
  2. WIS 52, Forest County, from South Forest County line to Smith Road.
  3. WIS 107, Marathon County, from Marathon County A to the Lincoln County line.
  4. WIS 107, Lincoln County, from Marathon County line to WIS 64.
  5. WIS 107, Lincoln County, from Matthew’s Road to Lincoln County S.
  6. WIS 55, Forest County, from Argonne Street to the Michigan State line.
  7. WIS 122, Iron County, from WIS 77 to Michigan State line.
  8. WIS 169, Iron County, from Ashland County Line to US 2.

Seasonal weight restrictions (springtime posted roads) are placed on specific highways during the spring thaw period. The restrictions are added to prevent damage to the pavement structure.

In the event of unpredicted cold weather, the postings in each county may be delayed as conditions require and will become effective at the discretion of the state highway engineer.