
Letter: Reader offers suggestion for Sentry Insurance

Editor’s Note: Letters to the Editor are welcome from any Portage Co. resident no more than once every two weeks. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not the staff at the Metro Wire. Letters must contain the legal first and last name and city of residence of the author. Letters containing blatant misinformation, threats, or vulgarity may not be considered for publication. Send your open letters to [email protected].

To the Editor-

Ah, what a place to live. We have the majestic Wisconsin River, great stands of trees, fine camping within a 30-minute drive. My grandkids from Portland, Ore. marvel at how flat it is here, way easier to bike. You can kayak the Plover River from Jordan Park to Iverson or from Iverson to McDill Pond. It would be hard to point out things that could make this place better.

But I have a suggestion, SentryWorld.

You have impressive well-kept buildings and grounds. You have a great golf course and a new hotel.

But you have a long black plastic wall that hides your beauty from passersby. I doubt the golfers, within, enjoy the black wall much either. It was put up for the junior women’s tournament. That was understandable. It may be needed for the next major golf event as well. Put it up then and take it down after. Make it a standard part of the event cost.

In between, the black plastic makes your area feel prison-like. It just doesn’t go with so much other good you provide. You can help make this place feel better.

Larry Sipiorski
Stevens Point