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Letter: Pavelski’s interpretation of Constitution Day is spot-on

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To the Editor-

Well, I’m not the best writer, but after having read the Letter to the Editor from Ms. Pett, an employee at our own Portage County Library, being so full of incorrect information, biased opinions, and flat-out lies, I knew I could not do any worse.

My God, she doesn’t even get through the first sentence before she incorrectly claims we, presumably meaning the United States, are a democracy. We are not. We are best described as a constitutional federal republic. Any mid-level 9th or 10th-grade student would know this.

Shouldn’t a librarian who is paid for her services to provide accurate information to library patrons, as well as a person who has access to so many books, surely should have known this?

Then she tries to refute that the Constitution was not written to protect our God-given rights from an overreaching government, which was the absolute purpose of the document.

Next, she proceeds to praise the work of Dr. Rush in her efforts to condemn John Pavelski’s belief in medical freedom of choice. Rush’s idea of treating patients was bloodletting. Yep, that’s the practice of draining the body of up to 80 percent of this precious fluid in an effort to “cure” his patients.

Probably, more fittingly, they were his victims as in the end this practice was later determined to be on the edge of murderous. So why would I or any free person want to take her opinion on what science I should be following? Makes me believe that she and those who gave her letter a “thumbs up” on “Fakebook” would have been more than willing to have given their Jewish neighbors up to the Nazis back in 1930s Germany for the likes of Dr. Josef Mengele to work on. We all know how that worked out for the Jewish people, don’t we?

One of those giving her a thumbs up was the, thankfully failed, County Executive candidate Eric Olson. With his belief in this level of government control, can you even imagine the evils this man would be willing to perpetrate onto our community?

With all of this said, I would like to commend Mr. Pavelski for his steadfast beliefs and thank him for all of his efforts as our County Executive!

Keith Kedrowski
Stevens Point