
Letter: Chojnacki won’t micromanage, will improve morale

Editor’s note: It is the Portage Co. Board of Supervisors, not the sheriff’s office, that ultimately controls if or when the county will build a new jail as well as funding for body cameras.

To the Editor-

My name is Dale O’Kray, and I am supporting Florian Chojnacki for Portage County Sheriff. I had over 33 years of law enforcement experience and worked for the Portage County Sheriff’s Office for over 30 years, 10 years in upper management, retiring as the operations captain in 2019.

Florian has been in law enforcement for over 21 years and has held several positions within the sheriff’s office. I feel he has the integrity and the commitment that will make him a good leader.

Will it be a learning experience for him? It will. But I feel Florian will be able to lead from a positive relationship standpoint. He will let the employees understand what he is about. That he will be able to lead from out front. And that he will also be willing to step back and let the success and light shine on the employees, where it should be. He will be demanding, without being demeaning.

Florian has and is involved in our community in many different capacities. He is from here and is raising his family here. The things he is involved in, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Special Olympics, Cops-n-Bobbers, and many others, are things that he would be involved in no matter what his political
aspirations would be. He is not just showing up to these events with a coffee cup in his hand hoping someone has a camera there.

A couple of my fellow retired officers are backing the current sheriff. The reality is these retired officers, all of who I have a great deal of respect for, have been retired for over 20 years and never worked for him. I have worked under him and I have seen all his shortcomings.

Several officers have retired since the current sheriff was elected eight years ago. One chief deputy, two captains, three lieutenants, three or four sergeants, and a couple of deputies. Not one of those retired officers is supporting the current sheriff. Not one!

The current sheriff is all about self-promotion. He has lobbied for and received big raises and extra benefits that none of the previous sheriffs ever had. Meanwhile, most of the county employees get a yearly two percent raise. He micromanages very talented and experienced mid and upper management personnel, who surely do not need to be micromanaged.

Eight years after getting elected, Portage County still needs a new jail, the communications center is still short-staffed, no officer body cameras (something he once stated would never happen under his direction), and morale is at an all-time low.

If you want a sheriff that will continue to be a self-promoting politician, vote for the current sheriff. If you want someone that can be a leader and be fair and allow the sheriff’s office personnel to be the best that they can be, and the best choice for the people of Portage County, vote for Florian Chojnacki for Sheriff on August 9.

Capt. Dale O’Kray (Ret.)
Stevens Point

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