
Annual cookbook sale to benefit county’s 4-H clubs

Metro Wire Staff

Portage Co. 4-H clubs have kicked off their annual cookbook sale.

According to Malayna Polum, one of the 4-H parents involved with the annual fundraiser sale, Clubs collected 350 local family recipes for inclusion in the book. The cookbooks are available for $15 beginning on May 9.

Polum said the funds raised will come back to the 4-H Leaders’ Association, and later be distributed among the 216 4-H families in the county via academic and trip sponsorships.

The cookbooks can be purchased from Feltz Family Farms and Dairy Store, 5796 Porter Dr in the town of Plover.

Each leaf of the clover, the 4-H’s symbol, stands for each of the Club’s values: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. The organization is a U.S.-based network of youth organizations whose mission is “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.”

To find out more about the local Clubs, click here.