Students, staff, families and community members attended the first in-person art show at the Bliss Educational Services Center since January 2020. (Courtesy Stevens Point Area Public School District)

Annual art show returns to Stevens Point school district

Metro Wire Staff

Hundreds filed through the school district’s annual art show and open house last week.

Following COVID-19 restrictions, the Stevens Point Area Public School District on Thursday brought back the event showcasing students’ artwork.

The show featured over 400 pieces of diverse pieces created by students from schools throughout the district, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, and mixed media pieces.

“Each year, we are impressed by the creativity, ingenuity, and talent these artists display,” said Noah Calhoun, art coordinator for the district. “Having the art show return to an in-person event is a wonderful opportunity for our students to share their talents with the community and receive recognition for their hard work.”

The art will remain on display at the Bliss Educational Services Center, 1900 Polk St. in Stevens Point through the end of March. Bliss is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.