
Letter: The City Council never listened to the public

To the Editor-

The City Council never listened.

The citizens of Stevens Point elected 11 members to represent them. For the last four City Council meetings, many citizens and business owners of Stevens Point have voiced their reasons for not wanting a Business 51 road diet. The arguments against the proposal were educated, informative, and respectfully

Our City Council members did not listen to what people had to say. I guess an agenda is more important than representing local taxpayers that put forth a very good argument against a two-lane road diet.

The citizens went far trying to work with the city of Stevens Point, up to and including the Dec. 20 referendum request that was shot down 10-1. The referendum related to a four-lane road in both the north and south business corridors and a road diet in the central residential corridor.

That brings us to where we are today.

The only way to give the people a voice in the current Business 51 road project and make it binding is through direct legislation. The citizens of Stevens Point can create a new law requiring the city to approve any road project over 1 million dollars to go to referendum. This will let the people decide on where their tax dollars are spent.

The law is specifically designed for the Business 51 road project. The only way to get it on a ballot and be binding is through direct legislation. Two years from when the citizens pass this referendum and make it law, it can be revoked through the City Council.

By that time I am certain that we will have new alders and there will no longer be a need for this legislation. It won’t bog down the government as some would like you to think.

If our City Council listened to the many voices that stood in front of them and worked with the citizens of Stevens Point we would not be here today. The referendum will hold this City Council accountable and is vital to holding all Councils accountable from this point forward. This sends a clear message that the
citizens of this great city need to be listened to.

The $1 million mark is set for a reason. It will eliminate the attempt to separate future projects into smaller parts to pass.

Make an educated decision when this referendum comes to the ballot, hold our City Council accountable, and make it law by voting in favor. The fate of the Business 51 corridor lies in your hands.

Beth McBride
Owner, Puro Clean
Stevens Point