
Letter: Portage Co. Sheriff endorses Wiza for mayor

To the Editor-

I support Mike Wiza for Mayor. I’ve worked with him over the last eight years and have seen his passion for making Stevens Point the best place to live.

We don’t agree on everything, but there is no denying the changes he’s made. Record growth, record tourism, and always with the taxpayers in mind.

Mike supports everything; he’s out promoting local businesses, ribbon cuttings, supporting charitable causes, showing up to Eagle Scout ceremonies, Girl Scout cookie sales, lemonade stands, and any fundraiser there is. I know because I’m often there with him. His opponent says “it’s just a photo op,” but I know it’s much more than that. It is showing his community that he supports it, promotes it and encourages it.

There are more new businesses than ever before and he even writes a “thank you” letter to the businesses that start or grow each year. You can’t get a better mayor than that.

I haven’t seen his opponent at any of these events, at least not until the campaign season started.

Mike listens and tries to help, regardless of the issue. If you have a question, you’ll always get a straight answer, even if you don’t like it.

That’s Mike and that’s why I hope you choose to re-elect him on April 4.

Portage Co. Sheriff Mike Lukas