
Letter: Molepske has already proven his service to the community

To the Editor-

I’ve known Louis Molepske for many years and over that time I have known him in many roles.

I’ve known him as a father to his children and a partner to his wife. I’ve known him as a grandson and son. He has shared stories about his family that exhibit the pride and love he holds for them, along with the humor that goes with those stories.

I have known Louis as an advocate for victims of mental health, drug addiction, and abuse. He knows full well that these things are not always treated best with a jail sentence and confinement, but instead programming that can help give hope for a second chance.

In his role as district attorney, I have known him as a protector of the public who fights to keep his community safe from those who are unwilling to change their destructive behaviors and disregard for their family and neighbors.

I know Louis as a friend, who when I am working through some difficult personal situations that life sometimes throws at all of us, will reach out to ask, “How are you doing?” and will offer to do what he can to help.

And yes, I’ve known Louis as a politician, defined as “a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.”

For 10 years, he served as state legislature for the 71st District, when he worked tirelessly, fighting for laws that could make the lives of his constituents better and the community we lived in healthier and more economically sound.

I’ve known Louis Molepske in all of these ways and am proud to support him and hope to soon be able to say, “I know him as our judge.”

Jan Way
Town of Hull Supervisor