
Letter: Holman is an asset, advocate, in county exec role

To the Editor-

I wish to address my experience knowing and working with Chris Holman.

Chris has been active, both personally and through various farm organizations in advocating for sustainability and profitability in addressing the environmental and economic needs of family farms and their important role in our society.

As county executive, Chris has been an asset to and advocate for our municipality and has been responsive, effective, and timely in addressing any issues I’ve contacted him about.

I believe he was instrumental recently in helping break a four-year impasse on the County Board level to finally give the villages of Junction City and Amherst inclusion under the county’s wellhead protection ordinance for our municipal wells and residents.

I would hope in this non-partisan election Chris, with his proven track record, experience, and leadership will be able to serve all Portage County residents in the years to come regardless of political party affiliation.

Peter Mallek
Village of Junction City

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