
Letter: Candidate supports school district referendum, Meg Erler

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To the Editor-

On April 2, we each have the privilege of going to the polls to cast votes for individuals who we deem worthy of representing us on the County Board, School Boards, and Village/City Boards across the area.

As a member of the Stevens Point School Board, it is my personal hope that the community elects those individuals who will maintain the excellent and refreshing working relationship which currently exists on our School Board.

While each current member has varying backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, priorities, and yes, political viewpoints, they also have something important in common. They each value Public Education and those who serve her. They also respect each other and treat each other accordingly, even, and most importantly, when they have opposing views.

One such member, who is asking to be reelected is my friend, Meg Erler. There are few people with as much experience serving our local communities as Meg has. She has served on the Village Board, the Portage County Board, and most recently the Stevens Point School Board and several organizations throughout the community.

As the most senior School Board Member Meg has insights into the history of decisions and School Board Policy which are unique. Meg is thoughtful and deliberate in her decision-making and considers the legal, financial, and practical implications of decisions. If you know Meg as I do you know that she will voice her perspectives and weigh the input of others prior to landing on her decision relative to a vote.

Aside from her vast experiences and assets, Meg is a person who has sought to make a difference. She has been willing to serve others even when the decisions were difficult. During her tenure, there is no question that Meg has been tested and proved her mettle. She is an important component of our current Board, an effective Board member, and someone we can count on to represent our community fairly and with a unique perspective gained through experience.

I hope you give Meg the opportunity to continue to serve the school district, our scholars, staff, and you, the community.

Finally, a word of support for the operational school referendum which will also take place on April 2. Nobody yearns for an increase in taxes, even when the increase is less than a cup of coffee, or Diet Dr. Pepper in my case, per day. But everyone likes investments.

In simplest forms, the referendum is an investment in our educators and staff, who are talented, dedicated, and caring. It is an investment in our young people who face a workforce, a country, and a world which is ever-evolving and requires the resources, programming, and skill set to both compete and contribute as informed citizens.

It is also an investment in our community, a community which I learned during my career as a local educator, genuinely values public education. Public education provides the footings of our democracy, the door of opportunity through which all of our young can walk through to attain their own version of the American dream.

All the best, and please exercise your right to vote.

Dennis Raabe