The city clerk's office. (Metro Wire photo)

Applications sought to fill city’s vacancy in District 4

Application deadline is October 11 at 4 p.m.

By Brandi Makuski

Applications are now being taken for anyone interested in filling a vacancy on the Stevens Point City Council.

Mykeerah Zarazua resigned her District 4 post in August. She served in the role since 2019 but resigned to spend more time on her career and with her family.

Stevens Point has no ordinance governing the process of refilling an aldermanic vacancy, so each time someone leaves office early, the Council needs to decide how the seat should be filled.

District 4 is highlighted in pink. (stevenspoint.com)

Mayor Mike Wiza told the Council during its September meeting that it had a number of options. It could choose to leave the seat vacant until the April election, it could approve a special election at an expense of about $2,500, or it could accept applications and publicly interview candidates.

The Council could even opt to cap the appointment through April, so as to not afford the appointee any perceived advantage when all even-numbered aldermanic districts are up for election.

The Council voted to approve accepting applicants to serve through April, with the option to run for a full term at that time.

“I don’t necessarily think it’s an advantage because if you don’t do a good job, you’re not going to be re-elected,” said Alderman Shaun Morrow (D11).

Applicants must be at least 18 years old, live in District 4, have no felony record, and can legally vote.

Anyone interested should contact City Clerk Kari Yenter at 715-346-1569, or visit the clerk’s office in person at 1515 Strongs Ave. The office is open 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

As of Oct. 6, only one person has returned an application for the vanvacy, Wiza said.