Letter: Reader opposed to Hull subdivision

To the Editor-

Attention to the citizens from the east side of town; attend Monday’s public hearing at the city’s Plan Commission meeting at 6:00 at the Community Room, 933 Michigan Avenue and voice your concerns of the proposed City Forest Creek Subdivision.

The plat contains 60 lots on 23 acres with 14 zero lot line parcels which average 1/10 of an acre. Evelyn Court will enter Maple Bluff Road from the subdivision creating extremely unsafe conditions for the proposed Green Circle Trail which plans to use this route.

The increased traffic will put more pressure on the already busy roads, especially Hwy 10, and make it very unsafe for all the walkers and bikers that currently use these roads!

We choose to live in this neighborhood for its healthy, country style of living. The city government wants to change this area forever!

Dianne Somers