
Letter: Let’s get a new law enforcement center

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To the Editor-

The December 12 Point/Plover Metro Wire printed two articles about a possible county law enforcement center (LEC).

Stevens Point Mayor Mike Wiza, provided several details about the city’s proposal. The costs of land and infrastructure were among them.

The other article was by County Executive John Pavelski. His article accuses the mayor of “writing a press piece full of misinformation and misrepresentations.” OK, what are they? Is there a disagreement about some costs? Does the county now want 40 acres instead of 18? Mr. Pavelski’s article offered zero specifics.

Now, I am biased. I am strongly in favor of a new LEC. I also think the downtown site is better. My main reason has to do with crime. We are not a high crime county, but I believe Stevens Point, like many college towns, has more crime than other parts of the county. If the county facilities are downtown, that gives the town a higher police presence which contributes to deterrence.

It would help me and the rest in the county, if we could see a comparison of costs of two possible sites (without the building) as well as a list of the reasons on both sides for and against the options. If one side disagrees with a cost listed by the other, they both should be able to show where they get their data.

I have a great deal of respect for the members of the county board. They are hard working dedicated folks. If the above comparisons don’t lead to one agreed site, then let’s negotiate. How much is the city willing to give to have it downtown? How much is the other side willing to give for the city to go for an industrial park site?   Work on trying to find the best deal to get our much needed LEC. Whatever the final cost turns out to be, it will probably be less than the cost of our current stalemate.

One thing I am sure of, bald accusations do not help.

Larry Sipiorski
Stevens Point

Editor’s note:  County leaders say they have limited their responses due to ongoing negotiations over land for the new jail.