
Letter: ‘Books from the Heart’ program needs your help

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To the Editor-

Our community is being given the chance to give a beautiful gift to our young students, a gift that will have lasting impact and significance.

Books from the Heart is currently accepting monetary and book donations for the annual drive which began in 1998.

Join us as we gather 4,000 books for distribution to Stevens Point public and parochial students in kindergarten, first and second grade. Books will be handed out as a Valentine’s Day gift.

Donations may be sent to program coordinator Sally Crane, McDill School, 2516 School Street, Stevens Point, Wis., 54481. The drive takes place through Feb. 10. Checks should be payable to “Books from the Heart.”

You can be proud of your involvement in this heartwarming drive. We sincerely thank you for showing our young readers that we are a community who cares.

Carol Colby
Stevens Point Area Retired Teachers’ Association