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Kontos Column: You cannot outsource leadership

By Dan Kontos

“Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.”Brian Tracy

The saga of county’s failing infrastructure continues, and continues, and continues. On August 15, the County Board ran an old play from the tired old playbook. Failing to secure the needed funding for a new county complex, an issue that practically all of the supervisors agreed was needed, they punted.

Cue the consultants. The Board voted 15-9 to hire another consultant to study how the County could proceed with a master facilities plan. But without a real consensus as to how to get a supermajority on-board (no pun intended) it was another example of not having a clear and easy path forward, so outsourcing the leadership effort reemerged as a common delaying tactic. Well, at least they are doing something, right?

In steps County Executive John Pavelski. On August 18 he vetoed the resolution, throwing the issue back into the lap of the Board. I say, nice move.

For too long (and I’d say decades is too long) the tyranny of the minority has held up progress on this issue, usually for the sake of concerns not relating to the county as a whole. Pavelski called hogwash on hiding behind another hired gun. Phooey on throwing more good money after bad. Malarkey on failing to take accountability, and subcontracting their leadership responsibilities to another rented advisor.

In an August 25 statement, Pavelski said, “…we can’t ignore the fact that nine supervisors voted against a consultant. If we enter into a contract without all parties willing to participate, we’re wasting our money.” Bingo. Time for someone, or a few “someones,” to show some spark of leadership, and pull the other supervisors together to work this out.

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.”John C. Maxwell

Unless the holdout supervisors put their own priorities aside so that the interests of the County as a whole can prevail, it’s the taxpayers who are going to take it in the wallet, again, and again, ad again.

Pavelski can’t carry them by himself down the path to a solution, but he can shine a light on the steps ahead. Now it’s time for the Board to commit to diving in head first.

I have to say that I feel for the supervisors who are actually trying to make a real and positive difference. The majority of them are rowing in the right direction. Perhaps the rest could learn from their example.

How about a committee of the whole approach during an extended session? Where standing on formalities takes a back seat to hashing out solutions. Where action outpaces delay. Where vision supersedes ineffectiveness. Perhaps a leader will make that suggestion. If past is prolog, then perhaps not.

“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

So, with that, let’s meet in the opinion section to talk about all of it, boldly, honestly, with a healthy respect for each other, and a sense of purpose. Until then, remember that God loves you, and so do I.