(Courtesy city of Stevens Point)

City launches ‘Name the Plows’ competition

By Patrick Lynn

The city of Stevens Point is holding a plow-naming competition for area students.

According to a press release this week from Mayor Mike Wiza, the idea came from Streets Superintendent Luke Kronstedt and Jesica Pacyna, an administrative assistant with the city.

Wiza said he’s already reached out to area schools, and that classrooms can submit their ideas directly to the city. He’s hoping for enough clever submission to name all 14 of the city’s snow plows.

Winning classrooms will receive an ice cream party sponsored by Festival Foods. The contest is also sponsored in part by Bushman Signs.

“The schools have been wonderful to work with, in our past projects, and the community support is always overwhelming,” Pacyna said.

Wiza said he expects some of the newly-christened plows to appear in the annual Christmas parade on Dec. 1 in downtown Stevens Point.