Jim Lepak, Will Scheder, and Meg Erler. (Contributed)

Spring election produces two new School Board members

By Brandi Makuski

In the Stevens Point Area School District, voters participated in Tuesday’s election to select candidates for three seats on the School Board.

Voters also decided on a $14 million operational referendum to address the district’s increasing deficit.

According to the district’s tally, that referendum squeaked by at a margin of about 500 votes — 7,534 in favor, and 7,031 voting no. It means taxpayers will see a $0.13 increase per $1,000 of assessed property value increase in 2024, or about $44 for a $100,000 home, plus an additional $0.13 increase per $1,000 in 2025, or an additional $47 per $100,000, based on a four-percent valuation increase.

Incumbent Meg Erler and challengers Jim Lepak and Will Scheder came out on top for three open Board seats. Incumbents Miguel Campos and Judy Rannow, as well as challenger Bob Larson, were denied.

Meg Erler (I): 7,508
Jim Lepak: 6,307
Will Scheder: 6,250
Judy Rannow (I): 6,204
Miguel Campos (I): 5,775
Bob Larson: 4,816

Board members serve three-year terms.