Roosevelt Elementary School. (Metro Wire photo)

Retired teacher group awards community grants

By Patrick Lynn

STEVENS POINT — The Stevens Point Area Retired Teachers’ Association (SPARTA) recently distributed community grant funds to 15 local groups.

This year’s grant recipients include Creative Community Living Services, Inc., Jefferson Elementary art program, Jefferson Elementary incentive program, Laundry Love, Lexie’s Love, McKinley Elementary BEST program, McKinley Elementary Lego Club, Playhouse Theater Group, Portage County Home and Community Education, Portage County Senior Center Aging and Disability Resource Center, Project Fresh Clothes, Roosevelt Running Club, Rosholt Schools music program, Stevens Point Sculpture Park, and Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas.

“It was inspiring to see the many creative projects that are being carried out in our area,” said Grant Committee chairperson pro tempore Jan Langton in an email news release. “It’s difficult to choose between such great, innovative programs, and the Committee only wishes we could support each and every applicant fully. Our thanks to all those who donate books for our sale, and all credit goes to our Book Committee for working so hard on collecting, sorting, and running the book sale. They do all the work, and the Grant Committee gets to give it away.”

The grants support local non-profit groups and organizations that benefit area children, seniors, and families. Service organizations with limited resources that support educational activities or cultural and enrichment events were encouraged to apply.

This grant program is funded by the annual SPARTA-sponsored book sale.

“This highly successful fundraiser continues to be a hallmark event. We are so grateful for all the people who donate and buy the books. It has a really subtle, wonderful ripple effect,” SPARTA president Carol Colby said.

This year’s book sale will take place August 14-17 at the Stevens Point Holiday Inn, 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point. Sales hours are Wednesday from noon to 7 p.m., Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Book donations are no longer being accepted for this year’s sale.

SPARTA, formed in 1969, is open to all retired educators from the Almond-Bancroft, Rosholt, Stevens Point, and Tomorrow River school districts. It is a member of the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association. More information can be found on their website, www.spartanewsandnotes.com.