The polling place for city Districts 2 and 11. (Metro Wire photo)

City to hold primary election on Feb. 21

By Brandi Makuski

The city of Stevens Point has scheduled a primary for the April election.

Stevens Point does not automatically hold a primary election if three or more candidates run for the same office. Prior to each municipal election, the city council votes on whether or not to hold a primary, which eliminates some candidates from the regular ballot.

“I looked back to 2015, and typically if we had three or more candidates we always had a primary election,” City Clerk Kari Yenter said at the Dec. 19 city council meeting.

Yenter said if a primary is not held, a candidate could win with less than 50 percent of the vote.

The council unanimously approved holding a primary on Feb. 21.

The majority of the Stevens Point City Council, also known as the common council, is up for re-election in April. The following offices will be on the ballot:

  • Mayor. Mike Wiza currently is serving his second term in the four-year role.
  • City Council, District 1. The seat has a two-year term and is currently held by Marc Christianson.
  • City Council, District 3. The seat has a two-year term and is currently held by Ginger Keymer.
  • City Council, District 5. The seat has a two-year term and is currently held by Meleesa Johnson.
  • City Council, District 7. The seat has a two-year term and is currently held by Mary Kneebone.
  • City Council, Direct 9. The seat has a two-year term and is currently held by Polly Dalton.
  • City Council, District 11. The seat has a two-year term and is currently held by Shaun Morrow.

Candidates running in the spring election could begin circulating nomination papers on Dec. 1. The final day for filing is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 3.

Candidates can obtain paperwork from their municipal clerk or by visiting the Wisconsin Elections Commission website at