The downtown's public piano on the morning of June 18. (Metro Wire photo)

Public piano returns to Downtown Point for fifth year

By Brandi Makuski

Mayor Mike Wiza says a public piano has been installed in downtown Stevens Point for its fifth consecutive year.

The donated piano, which is swapped out annually, is located near the bus shelter on the 1200 block of Main St. The piano was painted by area resident Peyton Vollendorf, Wiza said.

“She did a spectacular job, lots of detail. So if you get a chance, go down there and see it,” Wiza said at Monday’s Common Council meeting.

Wiza said a piano donated for next year’s installation was already in the city’s hands.

“Those pianos, they’re all donated. Our staff picks them up and drops them off for getting painted. The volunteers, every year, a different group of volunteers, or volunteer paints those pianos. So there’s really no cost to the city except the time it takes for our crew to go over there, pick it up, and move it around. So that’s one of the things that I think people appreciate downtown, especially during the summer, with all the live music options,” Wiza said.

The piano is protected from the weather under a shelter, but it falls out of tune and repair as the summer goes on, which is why it’s regularly replaced, he added.