
Aspirus lab assistant honored for work with patient

Metro Wire Staff

Patricia Hetzel, a laboratory assistant at Aspirus Stevens Point Hospital, was recently honored with the Aspirus Southeast Division’s Sunflower Award.

According to a news release from Aspirus, Hetzel was nominated by a co-worker who praised her compassion and dedication. The co-worker, who was unnamed in the press release, recounted an instance in which Hetzel provided exceptional care to a young patient in the emergency department who was suffering from cancer and other ailments.

“Patricia is a wonderful person and co-worker, but in this specific instance, she showed so much compassion for a patient,” the co-worker wrote. “There was a young patient who had been in and out of the hospital for treatments and had also been admitted multiple times. Patricia not only remembered who she was but many details about her life. The patient began to get very emotional and started crying. Patricia was so encouraging, talked her through it, and kept telling her, ‘You got this.’ Patricia got down to her level, rubbed her hand, and hugged her. The patient seemed to feel very comfortable with Patricia and was very appreciative for the kind words and hug.”

The co-worker added that Hetzel’s attention to detail and ability to connect with patients make her a standout team member.

The Sunflower Award recognizes Aspirus support staff who demonstrate the organization’s values of compassion, accountability, collaboration, foresight, and joy.