(Courtesy WisDNR)

Wisconsin DNR offering grants to boost fishing participation

Metro Wire Staff

WISCONSIN – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering grants to organizations interested in increasing angling participation across the state, particularly among non-traditional audiences.

The Angler Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation (R3) grant program is now accepting applications from community organizations, government agencies, tribal entities, schools, and universities.

The Angler R3 grant provides up to $5,000 in cost-sharing funds per project, with a total of $30,000 available for the current grant cycle. Applicants must contribute 25% in matching funds, which can be provided in cash or as in-kind contributions.

The grant operates on a reimbursement basis, meaning recipients must pay project expenses upfront before seeking reimbursement from the DNR.

Past recipients have utilized grant funds to develop angler education programs, host fly fishing classes for women and veterans, promote accessible fishing, and expand youth fishing camps. The DNR encourages proposals for programs aimed at adults who have never learned to fish and youth initiatives that extend beyond one-day events.

The deadline to apply for the Angler R3 grant is Feb. 18, 2025. Approved projects will receive funding after a grant agreement is finalized, approximately one year after submission.

The program is funded by the federal Sport Fish Restoration Fund, which is supported by an excise tax on fishing equipment and motorboat fuel.

For more information, visit the DNR’s Angler R3 Grant Program webpage. Questions can be directed to Theresa Stabo, DNR Angler Outreach Program Specialist, at [email protected] or 608-577-6332.