Brad Mapes-Martins, a UWSP associate professor of political science, is one of six speakers presenting on environmental policy as part of the College of Natural Resources Spring Seminar Series. (Contributed)

UWSP schedules speaker series on environmental policies

Learn about how environmental policies have had profound effects on the environment and natural resource management in the United States and how they affect our air, water, wildlife and community.

The Wisconsin Center for Wildlife at UW-Stevens Point will host a six-part speaker series through its annual College of Natural Resources (CNR) Spring Seminar Series, beginning Wed. Jan 31.

The 2023 Spring Seminar Series, “Landmark Environmental Policies: History, Impacts, and the Future”, will be held periodically from 4-5 p.m. on Wednesdays from Jan. 31 to April 3. Presentations will be available for viewing in Room 170 of the Trainer Natural Resources Building and on the CNR’s YouTube channel.

The seminar is sponsored by the Wisconsin Center for Wildlife and CNR and was co-organized with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Focusing on the landmark history and far-reaching impacts of environmental policies, it will detail the events that led to the creation and implementation of the policies discussed in each session, how they have evolved and will continue to change over time.

Additional details and livestream links can be found at

The series includes:

  • Jan. 31 – “The Pittman-Robertson Act: Fueling the Conservation Engine,” James Heffelfinger, Wildlife Science Coordinator, Arizona Game and Fish Department
  • Feb. 7 – “The Endangered Species Act at 50: Peril and Promise,” Chris Segal, Environmental Attorney, Law Offices of Lowell E. Baier
  • Feb. 21 – “Wetlands and the Delineation of Federal Authority Under the Clean Water Act,” Brad Mapes-Martins, Professor, UW-Stevens Point
  • March 6 – “The Clean Air Act: History and Impacts,” Gail Good, Director of Air Management, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
  • March 27 – “Building Bridges with Sound Policy,” Bree Richardson, Environmental Analysis and Review Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Transportation
  • April 3 – “Challenges and Opportunities: Policy Drives the Success of Conservation Professionals,” Keith Norris, Director of Wildlife Policy and Communications, The Wildlife Society.