Stevens Point firefighters recently conducted swift water rescue training, including some skills they used during the Oct. 6 call to Lake Dubay. (Metro Wire photo)

Second boating victim recovered

Metro Wire Staff

Portage Co. deputies on Tuesday said they’ve recovered the body of the second victim from an Oct. 6 boating accident.

The body of Timothy Coulthurst, 56 of Stevens Point, was located at about 10 a.m. on Oct. 23 as crews were searching the Wisconsin River in a patrol boat.

Coulthurst was reportedly fishing with James Glodowski, 60, also of Stevens Point, when their boat capsized near the Lake Dubay Dam in the early morning hours of Oct. 6. Glodowski’s body had already been recovered.

“Recovery teams searched for weeks, including the use of boats, unmanned aerial vehicles,
aircraft, and specialized crews with side-scanning sonar and underwater cameras,” in the search for Coulthurst, a news release from the Portage Co. Sheriff’s Office reads in part.

“The sheriff’s office hopes that this event can bring a measure of closure for the family,” the release said.

The Portage Co. Sheriff’s Office also extended a measure of thanks to the numerous agencies that assisted with the search and recovery. The Marathon County Sheriff’s Office, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Dewey, Rudolph, and Stevens Point Fire Departments, Wisconsin Emergency Management, Portage County Coroner’s Office, Consolidated Water Power Company, Ascension Wisconsin Spirit Medical Transportation, and several citizens and other organizations all assisted with the search.