(Metro Wire photo)

POTD: Breaking ground on the home stretch

Metro Wire Staff

The village of Plover breaks ground on the third phase of the Lake Pacawa Park remodel on Aug. 26.

Ellis Construction of Stevens Point was awarded a $1.3 million contract for the project, which included demolishing a vacant home on the park property to make way for a new parking lot.

The project also features additional lighting, a drinking fountain, conduit work for future lighting, six pickleball courts, and expanded parking.

Village Administrator Steve Kunst said the new infrastructure could support future Christmas lighting and that the pickleball courts should be ready by the 2025 season. The project is expected to complete paving work by autumn.

The park remodel, totaling about $4 million, has been funded through a mix of TIF funds and private donations. Previous phases included a new bandshell, accessible kayak launches, fishing piers, and other improvements. The third phase might not be the last, but it will be the final one funded by TIF dollars.

Phase 1 included the construction of a new bandshell, establishing green space for a bring-your-own-seating area, and a new cul-de-sac entrance at the south end of the park, which was completed in 2018.

The second phase involved adding accessible kayak launches and fishing piers, new walking paths, additional parking, a new shelter, improvements to the beach and water, an accessible playground, and a user-activated splash pad. That area opened in 2022.