SPPD Sgt. Bob Kussow (left) with Plover Sgt. Brent Thauer in January. (Metro Wire photo)

Police & Sheriff Calls, Jan. 4

Jan. 4

Driving w/o Headlights: Police arrested a 24-year-old man for driving with a positive alcohol content at 1:51 AM near Michigan Ave. and Praise St. The man was pulled over for driving without his headlights on.

Family Dispute: Police responded to the 1600 block of Clark St. after a caller reported a family disturbance there at 3:43 PM. The parties were separated.

OWI: A 20-year-old woman was cited for first offense OWI during a traffic stop on the 700 block of Second St. at 12:51 AM.

Car vs Deer: A 63-year-old woman called deputies to report striking a deer near County Hwy. HH and Hoover Ave. at 6:03 AM. No human injuries were reported.