Police & Sheriff calls, Jan. 28-29
Police blotters sent out by local law enforcement agencies are now far longer with less than half of the information necessary to produce an informative blotter. Find out why by clicking here.
January 28
Welfare check: Police were asked to conduct a welfare check on the 1300 block of Ellis St. at 9:07 a.m. when a postal carrier reported the resident’s mail had begun to pile up, which was uncharacteristic. No further details were included in the blotter.
Crash: Police responded to a two-vehicle collision at Centerpoint Dr. and Third St. at 11:50 a.m. No injuries were reported in the blotter.
Vaper: Police cited a student for vaping at P.J. Jacob’s Jr. High at 1:49 p.m.
Crashed and busted: Police arrested a 24-year-old woman for driving without a valid license following a two-vehicle collision at Patch St. and Bush Ct. at 2:27 p.m.
Vaper: Police cited a male juvenile at 2:32 p.m. for vaping on the bus ride home from SPASH, 1201 North Point Dr., the previous Friday.
Ongoing: A 43-year-old woman called police to the 1900 block of Water St. at 7:36 p.m. to complain that her 66-year-old male roommate wouldn’t let her back in the apartment.
Discarded meth: Police were called to the city bus garage, 2700 Week St., at 7:41 p.m., when a driver reported finding a white powder left on the bus. The substance was identified by officers as methamphetamine and was labeled for destruction.
Discarded pills: Police were called to Kwik Trip, 1600 Maria Dr., at 10:15 p.m. when an employee reported finding a baggie containing prescription pills in the beer cave.
Once again: Police were called back to the 1900 block of Water St. at 10:48 when a 48-year-old man called to report that his 43-year-old female roommate was loading items from the apartment into pickup trucks. No further details were included in the blotter.
January 29
Flashlights: A 20-year-old man called police to the 3900 block of Robert St. at 1:01 a.m. to report two people outside his home with flashlights. No further details were included in the blotter.
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