Police & Sheriff calls, Jan. 17-19
Police blotters sent out by local law enforcement agencies are now far longer with less than half of the information necessary to produce an informative blotter. Find out why by clicking here.
January 17
OWI: Police stopped a 43-year-old man at Post Rd. and Green Ave. in Plover at 12:21 a.m. for a busted headlight. The man was ultimately arrested for first offense operating while intoxicated with a .15 breathalyzer result.
Fire: Deputies assisted on the scene of a structure fire at 659 Main St. in Junction City at 8:24 a.m.
Quiet quitter: Police were asked to check on a 22-year-old woman at 8:35 a.m. when her employer contacted law enforcement out of concern for the woman, who left work early without explanation. The woman met with officers and said she was OK but “didn’t like the way she was being treated” so she quit without telling anyone.
Busted: Deputies responded to Fountain Lake RV Park, 8599 16th Rd. in Almond, at 9:23 a.m. when a park resident reported a vacant trailer had a broken window and wanted to ensure the owners were aware.
Nonstop: Police issued a written warning to a 29-year-old woman for blowing a stop sign at Sky Line Rd. and Rosewood Circle at 2:29 p.m.
Crash: Deputies were called to McDill Ave. and Water St. for a two-vehicle collision at 2:39 p.m. One motorist was cited for unsafe lane deviation, the other was cited for operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
Crash: Deputies cited a 68-year-old man for failure to stop at a stop sign after he crashed into a truck driven by a 46-year-old man at Mill St. and South St. in Amherst at 3:31 p.m.
Threats: Deputies responded to Main St. in Junction City at 2:30 p.m. when a caller reported they were being harassed. Names and genders of those involved were redacted from the blotter.
Car v deer: A 56-year-old man called police to report he’d struck a deer at Hwy. 54 and Pierce Ave. in Plover at 6:55 p.m. No human injuries were reported in the blotter.
So busted: Police arrested a 29-year-old woman and a 47-year-old man with active warrants from the 700 block of John’s Dr. at 8:52 p.m.
Do it right: A 25-year-old woman was issued a 14-day warning for having a suspended registration and unauthorized display of a registration plate during a traffic stop at Post Rd. and Cedar St. East at 9:31 p.m.
January 18
Shouldn’t be driving: A 20-year-old woman was issued a verbal warning for operating while suspended and driving without headlights after dark at 12:53 a.m. near Division and Ellis streets.
No insurance: Deputies issued a verbal warning to a 26-year-old man at County Hwy. DB and School Rd. in Mosinee at 12:54 a.m.
Some kind of problem: Deputies responded to mile marker 164 on I-39 at 1:20 a.m. when a 19-year-old woman called to say she was afraid the 20-year-old motorist of a vehicle was going to leave her behind. No further details were included in the blotter.
OWI, oh my: Deputies attempted to stop a 66-year-old man known to have a suspended license. The man failed to stop immediately but after a brief pursuit, he was arrested for his 12th OWI and also charged with misdemeanor fleeing.
Suspended: A 29-year-old woman was issued a verbal warning for having suspended plates at Hwy. 54 and Balsam Dr. in Amherst at 10:28 a.m.
Unable to locate: Deputies attempted to serve a known 21-year-old homeless woman who regularly spends her days at the downtown library at 12:30 p.m. She was not located there and staff said they had not seen her since the previous day.
January 19
Disturbance: Deputies responded to Plover Cafe, 5261 Hwy. 54 East at 3:18 p.m. when someone reported a disturbance involving a 33-year-old man. No details were included in the blotter.
Expired: A 28-year-old woman was issued a verbal warning at Hwy. 54 and County Hwy. F at 9:17 p.m. for having an expired license.
Crash: Deputies responded to Lake Helen Dr. in Rosholt at 11:13 p.m. when a caller reported that a vehicle had broken through the ice. No additional details were included in the blotter.
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