Lt. Joe Johnson mans one of three grills at the organization's inaugural steak feed in October 2021. (Metro Wire photo)

Police officer union rakes in big bucks at first steak feed

By Brandi Makuski

The Stevens Point Police Officers Organization said their first-ever steak feed was a success.

The Oct. 2 steak feed was added to the union’s docket in 2021 because COVID-19 put a damper on the organization’s usual fundraising activities, like its Run From the Cops 5K. The outdoor event included dinner and several raffles and was held at Backwoods Bar and Grill, 1511 N. Second Dr.

The event was organized by Officer Dalton Koback, who said he got the idea from a similar fundraising dinner recently held by Pok A Snoz Snowmobile & ATV Club.

“It’s something we’ve thought about for a while and this seemed like the perfect time to do it,” Koback said.

The event drew over 300 people from the community, including Mayor Mike Wiza and representatives from other law enforcement departments and municipalities.

Koback said the union made over $6,000 at the event, which they give back to the community via various organizations, high school sports teams, Christmas is for Kids, and Special Olympics Wisconsin.