Former Co. Board D8 Supervisor Scott Winn crossed the road during Saturday's Point Bock Run to flash a special greeting to the Metro Wire's camera on March 2. Winn finished in 414th place with a time of 42:30. (Metro Wire photo)

Nearly 2,000 compete in Bock Run ’24

See the video at the bottom of this story.

By Brandi Makuski

Just under 2,000 men and women participated in the 21st annual Point Bock Run on March 2.

The five-mile run/walk began and ended at the Point Brewery, 2617 Water St. The route took participants south on Water St. to Whiting Ave., then west on County Hwy. HH to West River Dr., then back.

Among the participants were runners, walkers, and kids in strollers, with some of the runners wearing costumes.

Local public officials also participated, including Portage Co. District Attorney Jedidiah Dodge (14th overall finish), District Attorney Cass Cousins (102nd overall), City Attorney Andrew Beveridge (241st overall), Plover Trustee Ross Ballad (1,260th overall), Branch III Judge Patricia Baker (1,707th overall), and Wisconsin State Trooper Rhae Zenner (1,212th overall). Among local business owners spotted were Sky Club co-owner Eric Freund, who finished 1,368th overall, and Truckshop USA owner Mike Bronk, who is also Stockton Board Chairman, who finished 1,121st overall.

The Point Bock Run is always held on the first Saturday in March. Registration traditionally opens on New Year’s Day and is limited to the first 2,000 registrants.

A total of 2,051 people signed up, but finishing the run were 852 men and 882 women, according to onlineraceresults.com.

The ages of participants range from 10 to over 70, with finishing times ranging from 24:41 to 1:53:19.

The top finishers in this year’s race follow:

Male Participants
1. Aloysius Franzen 24:41
2. Sam Forstner 25:08
3. Joshua Schraeder 25:34
4. Dan Lau 25:46
5. Tyler Tanko 25:54
6. Alex Strojny 26:09
7. Sam Anderson 26:36
8. Alex Richardson 26:40
9. Isaac Neff 26:48
10. Graham Ballard 27:34
11. Harrison Redepenning 27:35
12. Ethan Koch 27:36
13. Andrew Johnson 27:45
14. Jedidiah Dodge 27:46
15. Benny Frericks 27:57

Female Participants
1. Sara Mlodik 29:04
2. Corrine McCormick 30:42
3. Melissa Flucke 31:14
4. Megan Stelljes 32:26
5. Jane Holewinski 32:34
6. Molly Borski 32:45
7. Hannah Beilke 33:07
8. Katie Barrera 33:22
9. Zoe Browne 34:00
10. Jena McNiel 34:45
11. Laziza Rakhimova 34:45
12. Madison King 34:49
13. Michelle McEachen 34:51
14. Grace Engebretson 34:54
15. Kayleigh Whipps 34:55

Readers can find a full list of today’s results here.