
Letter: County Board hasn’t demonstrated ability to solve problems

To the Editor-

On Monday evening, the city’s Public Policy and General Government Committee spent a considerable amount of time debating/discussing rules of decorum at public meetings and a proposed Code of Conduct for alders.

After approximately an hour, the two proposals by Alderman David Shore and Mayor Mike Wiza, respectively, were not approved. The consensus reached, I believe, was that to create new rules that required adherence to already existing rules (ex. oath of office, city ordinances, Robert’s Rules, and common courtesy) would be superfluous.

On Tuesday, I read Nancy Roppe’s column in Metro Wire where she referred to Dan Kontos’ previously published column about the county’s Health Care Center as being a “pile of human excrement.” In my opinion, statements such as this, whether spoken or written, don’t belong in the public discourse; precisely what the alders were discussing on Monday. That’s my opinion, but Danny is a ‘big boy’ and
I’m sure he can handle the insult.

Now to Dan’s subject of can-kicking (including a bit of ‘ancient history). In late 2000, the county Supervisor representing my district moved to Plover, and since nobody stepped forward to fill the seat, and wanting. to ensure that I and my neighbors had representation on the board, I ‘threw my hat into the ring’ and was appointed to the board in February 2001, then ran unopposed in 2002.

During my entire three-plus-year tenure, I was a member of the Health Care Center Committee. Concerns about the aging building, inadequate mechanical systems, and inefficient physical design, were discussed at almost every meeting.

The fact that tax levy funds had to be used to operate what should have been a self-funded operation was a constant concern of the entire county board also.

Further back in history: In the late 1980s the county board decided to build the Law Enforcement Center/Jail and to remodel the second floor of the courthouse. A specific (not to exceed) maximum cost was set and work began. The inmates were moved across Strongs Ave. in May 1991. Since then three judges and four sheriffs have retired, yet the problems of security, safety, inefficient design, capacity, etc. have only been minimally addressed.

The county board has commissioned several costly ‘studies’ but, again, hasn’t demonstrated the ability to take decisive action to fix the problems. Their footprints are (figuratively) on a lot of cans. They should either *** or get off the pot.

Bob Woehr
Stevens Point

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