
Letter: Bus. 51 remodel isn’t about what’s best for city

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To the Editor-

In regards to the impending Division St. demolition, none of you guys seem to understand.

This isn’t about what’s best for the city. Nor is it about what the citizens really want. This whole fiasco is nothing but a legacy project. This is how the mayor and those on the [City] Council will permanently make their mark on the city.

Just like other mayors before, this one wants his name linked with a landmark project. One previous mayor obliterated our historic downtown area for a mall that only was never viable.

Another mayor erased our beloved Square and farmers market for a water fountain that created more headaches and wasted money than you can imagine.

Now, we’ve got Bike Lane Mike and the Road Diet Brigade hellbent on leaving a permanent reminder of their time in office.

They don’t give a damn about you, me, the city, or safety. All they want is to be remembered.

Kevin Golomski
Stevens Point