Winning team members from left, Scott Johnson, Mike Yankee, Duane “Edy” Lepak and Dale "Orly" Orlikowski. (Courtesy VFW)

Johnson-led team wins 19th annual Plover VFW Golf Scramble

Metro Wire Staff

STEVENS POINT — The foursome of Scott Johnson, Mike Yankee, Duane “Edy” Lepak, and Dale “Orly” Orlikowski claimed victory Saturday at the 19th Annual Plover Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10262 Golf Scramble.

The team finished 11 under par and was awarded the artillery shell-shaped VFW golf trophy in a ceremony held at the post. Their names will be engraved on the trophy, and each player received a dozen golf balls and a round of golf with carts for four at Wisconsin River Golf Club.

Twenty-five teams competed in the scramble under clear skies at the Wisconsin River Golf Club, starting at noon with a shotgun blast fired from a 105mm howitzer provided by the Bravo Battery 1/120 Wisconsin National Guard Unit.

The fundraiser featured special hole challenges, and after the tournament, a banquet dinner, and basket raffles at the VFW Post. Proceeds will support local veteran services and community initiatives.