(Copyright 2024 Point/Plover Metro Wire)

Column: Choosing the harder right over the easier wrong

By Dan Kontos

Alright, I have to just come out and say it. Enough already with the County Health Care Center, and dumping millions of dollars down this sinkhole.

The economy is a disaster, inflation has pushed prices through the roof, consumers are losing purchasing power monthly, and the County Board is considering sucking another $3,500,000 out of our wallets to prop up the failing Health Care Center.

Let’s be clear, they are eyeing this increase in taxes, on top of the $4,500,000 tax hike already approved, and on top of the $1,900,000 in taxes they are currently taking from us for this. Math may be hard, but I see that as nearly $10,000,000, on top of the indirect taxes we already pay for the Health Care Center in the form of “state” and “federal” money.

All this for a facility that had an average June census of just 26 residents, of which exactly zero beds are reserved for Portage County citizens. In round numbers, that’s $385,000 per person annually, to pay for people who are predominantly from outside of the county.

What in the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate is going on?

On August 20, the Portage County Board of Supervisors will consider another referendum question to take another $4.5 million from its taxpayers through 2044. Why? Because, frankly, they lack the courage and sense of responsibility needed to do the right thing and sell the Health Care Center. Instead, they follow a tried-and-true pattern of hiding behind a public referendum, and “let the people decide.”

I’ve explained, ad nauseam, that we are not a democracy, in that we elect representatives to make proper policy choices and take the time to educate themselves on complex issues. The public, for the most part, lacks the knowledge, time, or inclination to properly dive into the complicated matters of government. It’s unfair to ask them to make this decision, and facts be damned, it’s unfair to saddle the rest of us with decisions made by voters who choose purely based on emotion.

Why is this done? Easy. No, the answer is easy, but I mean it’s easier for the supervisors to do this. The harder decision would be to make the call themselves. Look, no one likes to be criticized. No one likes to sit through the litany of passionate yet misguided defenders of a position as they yell at you and call you Pharisees (a definite highlight from the January meeting where the Board voted down this referendum already; thanks Nancy.) It’s human nature to want to do the wrong thing that may be easier than doing the right thing which may be harder.

I’ve given you the facts on the Health Care Center many times in the past. They are not in dispute. I’ve explained my respect for the work and the workers there. I’ve explained the economics of the situation. I’ve explained the lack of any legal requirement on the part of the county to continue to do this. The defenders are well-meaning but are running on pure emotion, and that makes the Supervisors uncomfortable.

Tough. They wanted the job.

Vote down this referendum, sell the Health Care Center, and save the taxpayers of Portage County $10 million in the process. It’s that simple.

So, with that, let’s meet in the opinion section to talk about all of it, boldly, honestly, with an appreciation for the tough decisions made by our elected public servants, and with a healthy respect for each other, even you Sadducees. Until then, remember that God loves you, and so do I.