City opens new playground at Bukolt
By Brandi Makuski
Construction on a new playground at Bukolt Park is finished, and the space is now open to the public.
Concrete for the new playground was poured on May 26 by Stevens Point-based Rettler Corp., according to Parks Director Dan Kremer. The old playground, located next to the Bukolt Lodge, will be dissembled and removed in the coming weeks.
The $100,000 updated playground includes improved ADA accessibility and a new concrete sidewalk. The new location abuts the gravel parking lot just east of the new boat dock.
The Parks Commission voted unanimously to move the playground in 2021, as the current location floods easily and is too close to the heavily trafficked roadway going through the park.
Kremer has described the new playground as “something very similar to what Pfiffner [Park] had received; bigger than what Bukolt has right now.”
The last of the new playground, engineered wood fiber install, was installed on Thursday.