L-R: Brian Beaulieu's campaign photo (Contributed); and Polly Dalton at a committee meeting in late 2019. (Metro Wire photo)

April 6 spring election results

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Jill Underly- 526,011
Deborah Kerr- 386,033

Stevens Point Common Council, District 5

Meleesa Johnson- 257
Marla Schultz- 168

Stevens Point Common Council, District 9

Polly Dalton- 201
Brian Beaulieu- 154

Stevens Point School Board (Three seats open)

Meg Erler- 4,275
Judy Rannow- 2,902
Mike Wade- 2,852
W. Alexander Sommers- 2,705
Robert Larson- 2,198
Ed Morganroth Jr.- 2,025

Amherst Village Board (Three seats open)

Rebecca Roberts0-235
Andy O’Brien- 153
David Crubaugh- 143
Jeffrey Heinz- 136
Tom Ashline- 99

Plover Village Board, Ward 1

Ross Ballard- 224
Karl Pinter- 172

Plover Village Board, Ward 2

Gary Wolf – 317
Jerod Barkley- 260
Steven E. Ransbottom- 55

Portage County referendum

“Shall the State of Wisconsin establish a right to clean water to protect the human health, the environment, and the diverse economy, cultural and natural heritage of Wisconsin?”
Yes- 8,066
No- 2,341

Village of Amherst referendum

“Should the Village of Amherst enact an ordinance authorizing ATV/UTV use on Village Streets?”
Yes- 212
No- 117