
Letter: ‘Vindictive’ former village employees undermining government

To the Editor-

Two needy and vindictive former employees of the Village of Park Ridge set out on a vendetta aimed at our volunteer fire department and ultimately the sovereignty of our Village government.

In pursuit of recruits to their cause, questionable information, including fake photographs, have been widely disseminated. Law-abiding citizens have been offended by Village Voices members trespassing on private property to deliver their printed propaganda, even attaching their yellow messages to the house.

Our Volunteer Fire Department is an asset to our Village serving us in ways in addition to efficient and prompt response to fire alarms. Its loss and with it our fiscal independence would be in perpetuity.

People of integrity who serve our Village: Our Trustees, Village Clerk, and Fire Chief have been harassed and publicly maligned.

Regrettably, we are no longer Neighbors Helping Neighbors; however, we are all taxpayers who will be paying the legal fees.

Nancy Whitmire
Village resident since 1957

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